So, I met this girl at an university project last yeat (I’m a second year now and she a 4th year)

I really like her, so like a week ago I gathered the courage and asked if she’d like to go on a date with me. She said yes, then I asked if this saturday (yesterday) would work for her, and she said she would only be able to tell me by friday, since she had lots of meetings to attend (I know her schedule, that wasn’t a lie)

So yeah, she didn’t seem all that enthusiastic (tho she’s not the type to show she’s excited over text so I don’t know if I should take that into account), so I assumed she wasn’t really interested and just didn’t know how to reject me.

However, as soon as her friday classes ended, she really did message me. Said she had a terrible colic and that we could go on that date next week (the one starting today). She even told me all the time slots she had available. I suggested a day and time and she said it works for her. Everything going ok.

But after that I suggested a place, she read the message and took like a whole day to reply. That happened one or two times before during the last week. I really can’t tell if she’s really interested, but why message me and say we could meet this week then? She could just never touch the subject again

Am I reading too much into it? Is it really possible someone is so busy they can take that long to reply to a message? I know she’s really busy, so that could be it. I’m not double texting or putting pressure on her or anything like that, I just really don’t know what to make of this

Should I go on that date and see what happens? She can still back out anytime, of course, but I’m realy bad with this texting stuff, I don’t know what it means when people take long to reply. Is it really a sign of lack of interest, or do people really just have different texting habits?

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