So theres a girl I like that is at my uni, shes in my group of friends and we’ve become somewhat close, we planned going to a restaurant on today’s night but she didn’t reply to any of the messages of me asking at what hour or anything, it honestly pisses me off because I had to move other things I had planned just to have free time to go with her, we aren’t anything besides friends but still, I don’t understand why are people like this, why not simply text me you can’t or don’t feel like it? Why saying yes to going somewhere and then when the day comes not even bothering to reply? It only annoys me more that we actually met today in uni(same friends group) and talked about it and she confirmed being able to go; I honestly don’t know how should I feel about this, we’re likely going to see each other tomorrow in uni and rn I don’t even know what I should even do when I see her, because as I said I’m not in the best mood rn with her.

  1. You are sure you were texting the correct number?

    Also…..its WAY to soon to get annoyed…she could have been hit by a bus. Why aren’t you worried rather than annoyed? (It’s because you are thinking about yourself, not thinking about her….kinda selfish, no?)

  2. Some people just like to flake move on to the next or just dont make plans with her anymore

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