[Career Jobs Work](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenOver30/?f=flair_name%3A%22Career%20Jobs%20Work%22)

I turned 30 late last year and found myself in an extremely toxic job. I realized I was burnt out and struggled with anxiety/depression after i got fired a few months ago. Prior to this, I was planning on going to business school but now decided to decline admission into a top 20 school to take at least a year off and then come back to the US for Fall 2025 for b-school.

I come from a WestAfrican country and plan to put my things in storage with close friends and leave the US to reconnect with family who i have not seen in person in more than 10 years. My heart says it is the right thing but the anxiety of lost earnings plus relatives back home seem to think i won’t survive well for year in new socio-economic conditions bothers me with the uncertainty that i may not make it back into the US. I am 30, no debt with more than 400K in invested assets. 6.5 years in FANG companies both as a software engineer and product manager.

Any thoughts on this? Will taking such a break affect my career negatively?

edit: reposted to fix heading

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