tell me about a time you were embarrassed/humiliated due to how skinny/light/puny you were and I’ll tell you one of my stories.

  1. One time in HS at a party. My buddy (big guy) threatened a guy that he was going to beat him down to the floor then grab me by my ankles and use me as a make shift flail to beat him further into the ground. At the time I stood at 5,8″ weighing in at a whopping 110.

  2. Never really been embarrassed or humiliated but when I was younger, until about I was about 10 I was stick thin, my family would make jokes about me being “Mr Muscle” who was depicted as a skinny nerd at the time on commercials and I wasn’t allowed to go on certain fair rides incase I slipped out of them 🤨🙈 I filled out though from that age

  3. This one time I was in the computer lab and everyone was raising and lowering their chairs using the leaver on the side I tried and failed because I was a scrawny little lightweight I was very self conscious of it and was glad nobody saw.. or so I thought, they girl who was always pointing out how skinny or light or weak I was saw and squealed “OMG ARE YOU LEGIT TOO SKINNY TO LOWER YOUR CHAIR!?” I weakly replied “I’m I think it’s broken” she ignored my pitiful excuse “OMG YOU ARE SO PATHETIC I COULD LOWER THESE CHAIRS 2 YEARS AGO!!!! WHY DON’T YOU EAT SOMETHING HAHAHAHAHAHA”

  4. In my block, as a 13-14yo there were 4 kids my age taller the 6′ while I was about 5’4″ – 5’6″, not good for me.

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