Hi I’m 21f

I got my first job when I was 19, and it wasn’t good at all. A lot of mean girls worked there, I felt worthless.

I’m at my second job and everyone seems more mature and more involved in their own lives, so I’m not self conscious and worried their constantly judging me and talking bad about me behind my back, and if they do it’s not something that’s effecting my mental state. So that’s good.

Today I took an order and I forgot to drop the food in the frier, and I’m still new and I don’t fry a lot, and I heard her complaining and I joked if she was talking about me. We laughed it off but I think she was still mad.

Anyways, I understand that she just wanted out and it was almost the end of her shift so she was probably just frustrated, and two, I know that I didn’t do anything bad because I’m not use to working in that area.

I will get better the more I go and I’ll will come more naturally to me.

But I can’t help but worry it’ll all go wrong and it’ll be like where I worked before. I don’t want to feel the way I did in there.

Can anyone give me advice?

1 comment
  1. Story of my life lol, a lot of people were extremely rude to me at my first job too, and it really negatively affected my mental health. But just as your own title says, remember to not take it personally. Mainly because none of it is personal at all. You’re there to make money then go home. The people you work with really don’t know anything about you, so who tf are they to judge? Your performance at that job does not equate to who you are as a person.

    As for preventing a repeat of your first job, there’s really no guarantee. People talk shit about anything if they know they can get away with it, so it can’t be helped. Just own up to your mistakes, try to be as friendly as you can without overly people pleasing, do your best at your job, and if that still doesn’t work then you need to understand that it’s then on them, not you.

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