Me and my boyfriend are leaving together for almost a year. I would guess that by now he already knows what makes me uncomfortable… However, tonight while we were together one of his best friends (a girl) called him, she called him a few days ago but he didn’t reply because we were on a vacation. So tonight he decided to pick up but she hung up on him, and he called her back. They speak arabic and I don’t understand most of it, like 97% of it… I asked him what was it about and he said that basically she was not very well with her boyfriend, that her boyfriend was there next to her and that she probably just wanted her bf to listen to her talking to a “guy” on the phone, probably to make him jealous.
Some context: my boyfriend moved from his country and this friend still lives there, but supposedly she knows about me, and I don’t know… but from my point of view if i have a friend (man) and he has a gf i wont be disrespectful to the point i ask him to make my bf jealous. My bf defended himself saying that him and this girl are very closed, and even did a hand gesture to piss me off even more and demonstrate how close they are… And then proceeded to say i always see things wrong on his relationship with his Female friends, and also if next time I would rather having him lying to me instead of saying the truth.
After i left him in the room to marinate on the wrong things he said to me he apologized and said i was right and that if the roles were reversed he would not like it. But i am still very pissed because now he is sleeping like and angel and i am over here thinking that maybe he just apologized but next time he will just lie to me like he said, because it’s not the first or second time that he did something that I find disrespectful with a friend and for him it’s always normal…

TL; DR: My boyfriend was in a call with a girl friend to help her make her boyfriend jealous. I feel gaslighted with his reaction.

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