I work all week long, and then I’m in such a good mood that the craving is too much to overcome. I end up partying, even by myself.

This gets stale, because you can kiss the weekend goodbye. Idk, obviously there’s more to life. Maybe in your 30s you should really respect that. Or am I about on par with most others?

Is this a thing you left behind in your twenties?

  1. I rarely drink anymore. Why trade the weekend’s happiness for a few hours of a little extra happiness?

  2. I stopped getting drunk every weekend in my mid/late 20s.

    Now it’s a couple times a month socially. If that.

  3. I stopped drinking 10 years ago at 32 because of grad school. Can’t graduate with honors with a hangover.

    I’d love to say that’s the main reason but I found that as I got older, the more I drank, the more I wanted to fight. The more I wanted to fight, the more I wanted to hurt the other person. Needless to say, if I kept drinking, I’d probably be in jail.

  4. I drink socially, but I hardly ever get hammered. I’m just too damn old to deal with hangovers anymore.

  5. Not hammered but I like to have a drink or two and watch some cool Youtubers. It’s like hanging out with different friends on a Friday night.

  6. Not hammered. Enough to get a bit of a buzz though and enjoy spending time with friends, old and new.

    I’ll admit I like the taste of beer, wine, gin, whisky, and so on, and it’s relaxing to enjoy a couple. I don’t see why I need to cut it out entirely, I’m otherwise healthy. But hangovers are no fun, so I’ll stop before I get to a point where I’ll be hungover.

  7. I just turned 37. We only just had our restrictions lifted so this past weekend was my first weekend out in a LONG time. I accidentally spend $170 at a sports bar watching the UFC with a few buddies I haven’t seen in a bit. It was worth it! I had an amazing time. It’s not typical of me to ever do that.

  8. Are you people serious? You’re 30, not dead. I still go out on weekends and hangout with friends (33). OP you might want to reconsider taking advice on anything from this group as it clearly attracts a certain type of person.

  9. I started getting into nicer whiskies and gins in my 30s. I don’t get hung over, but I do drink with friends most Fridays.

    If it’s enough to make you make a post over, maybe try going a few weeks and see how much of an issue sobriety is?

  10. I love drinking and being drunk but I absolutely hate the hangovers so I’m mostly California sober

  11. I get buzzed on the weekend but not hammered. Enough to want me to sleep in a little but not impact the rest of the day.

    A reasonable person sees the impact drinking has on their life and scales back accordingly.

  12. Typically I’ll drink 4-6 so not really hammered, but I’ve been rethinking my drinking habits at 37 and am currently doing a month sober. The pandemic may have been a blessing in disguise, I drank more over the last 1.5 years than I ever have, only then did I start drinking during the week. I realized drinking to get through the pandemic wasn’t going to work if the pandemic never ends, I’ll kill myself doing that. I also learned during the pandemic what the guidelines say – over 4 drinks per day is technically binge drinking, which is super easy to do in the world of double IPAs, and that is very bad to do every weekend. Even up to 4 regularly probably isn’t very good. No more than 2 for men is what they say. I want to try to stick to that from now on.

    Getting into my upper 30s I’ve started to think more about my long term health. My short term health never really suffered, I workout and eat healthy, didn’t get very bad hangovers, so the incentive just wasn’t there. Well, I realized I don’t want to waste all the effort I put into working out and eating healthy just to wind up with liver disease or cancer at 50.

  13. Stopped that in my early 30’s. Too costly on my wallet and body. That’s a holiday, special occasion now. Actually, even in my 20’s it was more of a once or twice monthly thing. I don’t understand how people can afford this. I had to pay for school and living expenses.

  14. I never cared about alcohol. Yes, gets me drunk and act silly, but I never got off work thinking “man, I could use a drink.” In my 20”s I went to bars, mostly to hang out with friends, and meet women. I wasted so much money on alcohol in my 20’s. Shot, jack&coke and tip $16. I’m 39 now, and I don’t drink. I’ll have a shot here and there at BBQ’s/parties that’s about it. I hate the taste of alcohol. I do have a sweet spot for a coke, cherry coke, Dr. Pepper, but once in a while.
    Everything has gone up in price. I would rather have a $12 Philly cheesesteak than a $12 vodka martini. It used to take 3-4 drinks to get me silly now it takes none.
    I stopped drinking 100% right after the pandemic started. Before that we would go to bars/restaurants on the weekends, and I would knock back 2-3 drinks. Honestly I don’t miss it at all, and I can safely drive us home. Save cash on Ubers also.

  15. I think I did most of my serious drinking in highschool.

    I don’t get drunk any more. I might have a few drinks with friends over maybe once a month? (always finish with a couple of glasses of water too)

  16. I haven’t been drunk in years. The last I can even remember feeling tipsy was after I defended my dissertation in early 2019. It is very possible I have not been drunk since my late 20s. 32 at the oldest.

    Like you said, there’s so much more to life than being crippled on the weekends.

  17. Not hammered


    I put on my earphones and listen to 90s music, 2000s rock song, rave music I use to go with my friends. And I just dance my head off.

    Every Thursday I send Instagram videos to my 2 close friends and we have a cheer for thirsty Thursday. We live countries apart.

    Want to know something funny. I start at 4:30 pm. By around 7:30 I’m drinking water so I don’t get hang over the next day.

    Controlled chaos. Haha.

    So yes OP, I drink, but not to be hammered. Just a good buzz.

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