
My husband is seriously annoying the shit out of me. We are new parents. He spent the beginning of our parenting time trying to take over everything and show he was in control. It was/is actually a facade. For Mother’s Day he said he would watch our babies so I could rest. I decided I wanted to remain in bed. He decided he wanted to stay there with the babies. Okay, fine. I went down to the basement to watch a movie. He shows up in the basement… with the babies! I found myself getting zero rest today. He said I helped “on my own” because he didn’t ask me to help but I couldn’t ignore the babies because they were in my face!

Adding injury to insult, I asked him to get my favorite meal and I would watch the babies. He picked up the meal and came back while they were crying. I was supposed to be relieved to eat my food. Well, they needed to eat. Instead of feeding them he seemed to just sit there and let them cry. When I asked him why he didn’t feed them so I could rest he ignored me. I took it upon myself to start the feeding process and he had the nerve to say he was about to do it. He wasn’t. He the. Went on to eat his dinner while I sat with a baby in my hands while I ate. He also brought our other baby into the room with me again! He will most likely sleep on the sofa so he doesn’t have to get up to take care of then tonight.

I only took him up on the offer to rest for Mother’s Day because HE suggested it. I don’t understand why he can’t keep his end of the deal. I get up every morning to take care of our babies from 12-6am so he can sleep because he can’t stay up during those hours. He couldn’t even give me a day. I am over it.

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