‘m writing to you, filled with remorse for my recent actions.

I want to take responsibility for my behavior, as I know it was not acceptable or justified. My reaction to throwing books at you was not only inappropriate but also harmful, and for that, I am deeply sorry. Physical acts of aggression are never an acceptable way to express frustration or resolve conflict.

Please know that my apology comes from a place of genuine remorse.

Currently, and over the years, I have felt a lot of moments of deep hurt and distress in our interactions. I’ve come to recognize patterns of behavior that have left me feeling emotionally wounded, patterns that are still happening now. I want to express to you that some of how we communicate and interact have crossed into what I would define as emotional abuse.

I want to be clear that I’m not blaming you entirely for our struggles, and I understand that relationships are complex. However, both of us must acknowledge the impact of our actions on each other.

I’ve felt belittled, ignored, and invalidated in our conversations. Words and actions have left me feeling devalued and diminished, and these experiences have taken a toll on my emotional well-being.

I am angry. I am angry because every day, I feel mistreated in our relationship. It’s not just isolated incidents; it’s a pattern that has become all too familiar, and it’s taking a toll on my well-being and our connection.

The disrespect, dismissiveness, and disregard for my feelings have left deep wounds that cannot be ignored. Every interaction tainted with negativity chips away at the foundation of our love and erodes the trust and respect I long for in our partnership.

I can’t continue to brush aside my feelings or pretend that everything is okay when it’s not. Ignoring the elephant in the room only allows it to grow larger, casting a shadow over the love and happiness we both deserve.

I’m writing to you not to assign blame or start a fight, but out of a desperate plea for change. I need you to understand the gravity of the situation and the impact your actions have on me and our relationship.

I’m asking you to listen, truly listen, to what I’m saying and to take it to heart. I need you to acknowledge the hurt you’ve caused and to commit to treating me with the love, respect, and kindness I deserve.

I’ve been feeling incredibly overwhelmed and frustrated in our relationship, and I’ve been struggling to find a way to express these emotions without screaming and crying.

I’ve been feeling a deep sense of regret and disappointment about the direction of our marriage and the time we’ve spent together. I’ve found myself questioning whether we’ve both invested our time and energy in ways that align with our goals and aspirations.

I have always said to you that I will never leave you. I am at the end of the road where I feel completely hurt because of the mistreatments I keep receiving.

I deeply regret my actions of throwing books at you and hurting you. It should have never come to this point but it did.

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