idk if i have to censor stuff so im just going to.


My boyfriend finishes within like 20 seconds of us going all the way. Then he flips over and goes on tik tok when we’re done, not caring if i finish.


I don’t know what’s going on but we haven’t gone all the way in like a week.


Finally yesterday we were making out and i thought we would. He asked me to give him head. So I did. Even though he never does for me. He said he was about to finish. So i said we should stop so we can actually do the full thing. He said no just finish giving head, ill finish and we can go again in five minutes.


I told him that he does this literally every time. Twice now he has finished from head then says we will go again and he just turns around and goes on tik tok. So I told him I know him. He will literally just go back on tik tok.


We have kinda a rule where we only pinky promise if we are telling the truth 100%. And he pinky promised me that after i finished giving him head we would go another round.


So i give him head til he finishes, then i get him a wash cloth to clean himself up.


He says “actually you were right i am pretty tired”. I asked him if he was serious, I laughed and said “yeah okay sure.” and he said he meant it. I asked if he pinky promised he said yes.


So I get pissed off, roll over, push his arms off me and tell him goodnight.


Then he claims he was just joking and was gonna do it before i “freaked out on him” and started being “crabby.” And besides, he brings up that he didn’t actually use his pinky to promise he just said he did… I told him i know he’s lying and he should just be honest. I knew he was lying because it happens every time.


I ask him again if he actually wants to go to sleep he says kinda. So I flip over once again and don’t engage with him


He goes on tik tok for another hour. He says he feels like i am really mad at him. I tell him I am mad. And I don’t have anything to say to him right now. I turned off my location sharing, because he doesn’t even share his with me. This morning he tried to tell me he loved me before he went to work i ignored him.


He texted me good morning as well like 5 hours ago and i just have not responded to him. I don’t even want to. What would I even say?


Am I in the wrong if I just don’t talk to him for a while? And don’t respond? He knows why im mad im pretty sure. And I told him yesterday i got literally nothing out of giving him head if he just wanted to flip over and go on tik tok.


Also, when he was “so tired” he went on tik tok for an hour after he finished 🙂



EDIT i sent him some messages. if anyone can review them and tell me if i said the right things that would be awesome. thanks so much guys for the advice.

I also want to point out its not the lack of sex afterwards that bothers me… or kind of. it’s moreso that he just turns around and goes on tik tok the rest of the night after having sex. no cuddling, nothing. once he cums after 10 seconds it’s done and i get nothing out of it.

I get that consent can be revoked and i agree he shouldnt feel pressured. But he consistently tells me he will go again and lies every time. And him deflecting blame onto me is the reason i am so pissed. If he just said he is really sorry but cant go again, i would obviously still be pissed because i just sucked him off for ten minutes,once again getting absolutely nothing out of the experience. but i would be less pissed.

one time he even told me that if i suck him off and swallow he will be able to go again. i know what would happen afterwards. keep in mind he doesnt even give head.

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