I’m on a medical hiatus from s3xual relationships and tbh a general hiatus from dating, period.

I was recently seeing a guy for a little over a month. In the beginning I kept my expectations pretty mild, just nice to hang out with someone, hookup, be lowkey about things. He told me he eventually wanted to start a family with someone, but was cool with taking it slow. Great. Slow and steady wins the race lol. But we did have quite the connection in person. So one thing led to another and we hooked up. Nbd. We had been talking for a few weeks and I didn’t see any red flags (I thought).

I tend to only have one s3xual partner at a time bc people with female genitalia are just more susceptible to all kinds of junk (STIs, UTIs, BV, etc). Just doesn’t seem worth it to me.
Well we had s3x a handful of times and instead of talking about it beforehand like I normally do, I asked him if he was having s3x with any other people. He said yes. I said how many? He didn’t answer. I asked again he said 4.
Now, I am not one to judge, but 5 s3xual partners is too many not to mention… he said he views it all as “dating”. He then went into how badly he wanted to find his future wife and mother of his children and I just sat there in disbelief lol.

I asked him the last time he was tested. He said he couldn’t remember. I said he needed to go get tested ASAP. He said ok. I watched him schedule an appointment online for the next day. I check in with him a day later asking how it went because I also went and got tested. He said he didn’t go. I asked why. No response. I call him and demand he go. If not I’m pulling up at his crib and dragging him there cuz wtf lol? He did end up going (I have tangible proof😮‍💨)
Well we both tested negative for STIs, but I started having some discomfort while peeing and was told I have a confirmed UTI AND Bacterial vaginosis. He later admitted to not being sure if he’d ever been tested. Then made the joke “shit i don’t even remember the last time i brushed my teeth😂”. I once again was so shook… I hit him with the “not you. you can choke,” meme from Flavor of Love and blocked him lol.

Lesson learned: DONT LET GOOD S3X KNOCK YOU OFF YOUR GAME. Shit could’ve been way worse… all because I decided to get lazy. What an idiot 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️

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