Basically my whole life I have been a introvert, I never really felt like connecting with other people because I thought that they would make fun of me or think I am weird. Long story short I just graduated and I got invited to go on a trip with a couple of friends I know from my class to drive to a different country, drink some alcohol, go in a club and celebrate there. When they asked me if I want to go I just said to myself fuck it and said yes. Now the last couple of days I am worrying so much because I never leave my comfort zone and all the negative thoughts come like: “What if we have a car accident?” “What if the party sucks?” and much more. As sad it might sound, I basically spend my whole life at home, It’s just where I really love being and it’s just my safe space where I don’t have to worry about anything, when there was Covid and everyone was in lockdown I was so happy because I didn’t had to search an excuse why I didn’t want to go outside. Even small decisions like calling a friend and asking him to go to the cinema is triggering so much anxiety in me it’s crazy.. Maybe that’s one of the main reasons why I never really had any type of relationship, I am just too anxious.

The weird part about all this is that I know it’s the right decision to just go.. I know that I will have a great time and actually make some memories that I won’t forget that fast. I don’t even know what I did 2 days ago because my life is literally a loop. The funny thing is I was going on a road trip before, but not for a day but for a whole damn week and till this day I like to remember all the great memories I made in that week, but for some reason my brain just finds every single bad thing that can happen and makes me want to stay home in my little cave. The last couple of days I just had that pressure feeling in my chest like a panic attack, writing this makes it a little better but I still feel so anxious.

Man I am just such a mess I have no idea what I should do.. Why the hell can some people just say yes without any doubts. Everyone else is excited for this trip and here I am with an panic attack because I am scared to leave my home.

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