Hey guys I have a serious concern and been wondering if anyone can help me out.

I think I damaged my clit from going to hard with vibrator and I’m worried. I use to be able to feel my clit just fine and now I barely feel it, it’s as if it’s not there anymore, I also don’t orgasm the way I used to and I don’t enjoy it, I used to cum and it was amazing and I wouldn’t even have to go again but now it’s like a half orgasm and I could literally keep going without feeling any crazy sensation.

This has been going for some months, how can I go back ti how I was before? Should I stop any sexual acts completely for a few months and see if it goes back to normal?

I’m not in a relationship as of right now, but anything can happen at anytime and I wouldn’t want to have this issue on going if I start up anything new.

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