I live in a council flat, with my parents (covid and all that, I’m looking for places at the moment I swear!). Anyway, one of my long term neighbours a couple doors down doesn’t live in their flat anymore and is subletting it to a bunch students. I’ve spoken to one of them a couple times now in our lift journeys. This time in particular she referenced a moment where I had noticed their key sticking out their front door and she thanked for me pushing the key through their mailbox. She’s beautiful and super friendly, she’s northern American so I sort of think that’s why. I asked for her name but I wasn’t ever going to ask for any more than that… However it got me thinking, would it be weird if I asked her out or asked for her socials ? I literally don’t know anything about her, whether she’s single or even into men. I really doubt I’ll find myself in that position but curious what you guys think?

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  2. Split on this, on the one hand the old saying don’t shit on your own doorstep comes to mind, on the other what have you got to lose! If it goes badly expect some awkward lift moments!
    There’s no harm in getting to know her better though, ask her how she finds the area and you’re free to show her around sometime or something.

  3. If she’s that close a neighbour there are two possible outcomes:

    1. It all gets fucked up and awkward until one of you moves.

    2. You end up married.

    Over to you. Worth the risk?

    (I’m married to my best mate’s sister. It’s not dissimilar circumstances)

  4. No one wants to live next door to a creepy wierdo, probably best to keep it to yourself.

  5. I’m usually a risk adverse person but in this situation just shoot your shot. It she isn’t interested it doesn’t have to be awkward after either as long as you handle any possible rejection well.

  6. Do it, what’s the worse that can happen ? None of us get out this alive mate.

  7. Ask her out and if she says no thanks just go back to being a friendly neighbour. The only thing that makes it awkward is if you make it awkward. If she decides to be weird afterwards then that’s her hang up. Just ask her and stop farting around. You’ll kick yourself for years if you don’t. Get it done.

  8. Just say “hey wanna grab a coffee”? If she says no, that’s fine, if yes even better. If it gets super weird you said you were looking for a new place anyways.
    I don’t see the big deal. Not everyone meets on the internet.

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