Have some trouble to recognize and remember people, like their faces and their names. To remember someone, I have to see a person trice in, lets say, one week, and after that week I need to see them once per 2 weeks, to actually remember them.

Doesn’t matter if we have a deep conversation- if I don’t see them again in a short period of time, I’ll definitely forget about them. It also happens, that I introduce myself three or four times to the same person… some time in between, yes of course, but still…

I don’t have a solution to handle it, there’s like nearly every second day a situation, in which somebody recognises me but I don’t.

Does somebody have the same problem, any tipps? Is it because I am more “popular”, or because I’m surrounded by a lot of different human beings each day, or because I don’t use instagram/social media, to get my head flushed with their everey-day appearance? Is it because of a lack of interest?

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