
I’m 21M and realizing more and more that I don’t want anything to do with any woman younger than me. I’ve had nothing but bad experiences with them, and they usually lack the emotional maturity and experience I’m looking for. Of course, older people too can lack those things. But I’m usually less comfortable with engaging with people are too young because of this recurring pattern)

I’m accepting of women around my own age for casual endeavors (casually engaging with a 22F at the moment), but ultimately, I would really enjoy engaging with much older women. I already came close to a relationship with a 37F that hit on me about two years ago from now, but things didn’t work out for multiple reasons that were out of my control. We are still on good terms though.

Last night, I’ve matched with a 39F on Tinder. Conversation was going great at first, but then I got ghosted for the smallest misunderstanding (I wasn’t even being sexual or intentionally rude). Pretty disappointing if you ask me, but I guess that’s how it goes with some people.

I have many things for myself. I’m (considered) pretty attractive, I’m fit, I live on my own… but I’m still rather young. And I wonder if that’s a turn off for many older women?

PS: I’m refraining from using the word “cougar”, because that can be seen as fetishizing, and I don’t want this post to come across as merely sexual

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