Why is it that you can’t swear around women? I cuss a lot and been told to stop when there were women around.

  1. Never heard of that. Swearing in public is typically considered rude, but I’ve never heard of it being especially so around women.

  2. Old school manners. It was seen as extra uncouth to potentially upset the sensibilities of women by being rude in front of them

    This isn’t unique to the US.

    I do have an informal rule of thumb. I don’t say things in public company that I wouldn’t say in front of my grandmother. It’s served me pretty well.

    As women have become more “liberated” you see less and less of a difference in how men speak around women. If you are trying to impress a woman it’s still a good idea not to be crude around her when you are new to knowing each other. But that’s true of men as well.

    None of this is uniquely American.

  3. Traditionally it has been considered impolite. Not many people care these days now.

  4. It just stems from old fashioned ideas about women being the fairer sex, too delicate to handle the coarseness of crude male behavior. Personally I don’t go full bore on profanity in any situation that’s not totally casual.

  5. That’s not universal.

    I don’t swear (as much) around people I don’t know well, regardless of gender.

    Around people I do know, however, you get the full sailor-mouth experience.

    Also I know a lot of women who swear more than most men I know.

  6. Chivalry, in a nut shell. You don’t curse or discuss specific topics, in mixed company. I don’t, wouldn’t, but the shit my.kids and their wives discuss blows my damn mind

  7. Most of the women I know have mouths that would make a Merchant Marine blush.

    There is a time and a place for cursing. Casual conversation over a beer, say whatever you like. Business conversation? Just meeting someone? Try to be a little more creative.

  8. I mean, I generally don’t swear around anyone unless they’re friends and I know they don’t feel uncomfortable with it. I also don’t say “oh my God” around people I don’t know as well. I know some people find it offensive so I’d rather just keep everyone happy.

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