So everything has been great between us. Invited her to my brothers wedding, where she met my parents and some of my family. While taking a ride in town, I joked and said “I never want to get married”. I guess she really took it to heart and was upset about it.

That was in March. My lease ends in my apartment soon, so I floated the idea of just moving in with her at her new home. I pretty much go there all the time anyways, since she has a dog that is not allowed at my place. I said it a few times about moving in, which would help her out and me out. Didn’t hear anything so didn’t want to push her.

Finally, I had to let the apartment complex know I was either staying or leaving since I have to give a 60 notice. I once again asked, and that is when she called me.

She basically said she wants to settle down and have a family soon since she is getting older (just turned 40), and its really important to her. I told her I wasn’t really thinking about marriage right now, but maybe in the future. We have only been together since August of last year. Then she told me we both wanted different things and we should take a break from each other.

I really like this girl and I don’t know what to do. I have child with another woman (he’s almost 15) and I think the whole going to court for Child Support with him, and all the drama with his mother scares me to have another right now. Is that a bad thing? My friends say I should get her a promise ring, but I remember that being something we did when we was in our teens. I sent her flowers the other day and she liked those.

I told her lets discuss everything in person, and she agreed to dinner at the end of this week. I really could see myself marrying this girl, but I just think its too soon since we have only been dating for less than a year. Maybe I am wrong. I have been feeling broken all week. I know I’m not getting any younger myself. Just seeking advice on what would be the best course of action here.

Like should I do a really long engagement. Or stop being such a baby and marry the girl already.

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