I know they have different definitions but they are used interchangeably in dating quite a bit. What do these mean to you when you say someone you’re seeing is weird vs saying they are creepy? Does ‘weird’ still have a neutral connotation to you or is it a milder version of calling someone creepy, or perhaps both words are the same to you?

  1. ‘Weird’ is usually a compliment from me or at least can be taken in a positive way.

    ‘Creepy’ means there’s a detected threat.

  2. Weird means you’re odd.

    Creepy means you make me very uncomfortable AND you have a predatory way about you

  3. Weird for me just means you’re quirky. It’s a compliment. Creepy means something about you feels off and I don’t feel safe. It basically means I see you as a potential threat and therefore I don’t trust you.

  4. I understand *weird* as a way of saying someone is noticeably unusual/quirky/eccentric/odd and it can be complimentary or derogatory depending on the situation and the tone used to say it.

    *Creepy* to me means someone who makes me feel uncomfortable, wary, unsettled and/or threatened by their presence, words or demeanor. Sometimes it’s because they feel ‘off’ somehow, but mainly it’s because they come across as predatory.

  5. to me ‘weird’ is just odd. it’s neutral or even positive

    ‘creepy’ is acting in a way that implies malicious intent

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