if a girl puts out on a first date, do guys just automatically not take them seriously? be honest pls!

i personally don’t think it’s a big deal bc i only talk to one guy a quarter but i get the impression that guys think you put out for everyone if you put out on a first date. just wanna hear everyone’s opinions.

edit FOR CONTEXT: (this is not a personal ad, i just want opinions) 28F looking for a serious relationship with the right person

additional edit for clarity: i do not initiate sex lmao i often won’t sleep with guys on first dates but on occasion if someone i really like and have been talking to for two + weeks tries to initiate i will give in bc i don’t want to give the impression i’m a prude 😂 i’ve dated someone who had a low libido before and never want to do that again so sex is part of the screening process for me

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