I felt like i went to the new dimension after the glory days of 2008-2010 then 2011 is still okay but 2012 something has changed in my life when i watch marvel’s the avengers in Cinema the graphics has change something’s music has changed too from mellow rock music to party music 2013 is a quiet year but something in the world has changed there are weird visions im seeing 2013 this is not the similar as the 2010 then 2014 that’s the year that changed is coming to the world where things are starting to go to the new dimension party music has been evolved to girly music everything is getting zestier time goes by in 2014 reality shows has evolved and computers are evolving smartphones are becoming popular in 2014 then enter 2015 the year that changed my life forever for the worse girly music evolve dubstep came which kills my moods then people are hard to talk with anymore people discriminate each other which sucks then music become teki and i know that 2015 that year changed everything then enter 2016 i don’t mind that year because im trying to heal that year from the trauma i have in 2015 then 2017 came and this got worse music become toxic to hear rap is popular everything is dark in 2017 i have bad lucks that year then 2018 bts became boom which is great memories for the fans of them came Computers have been popular every high schooler has a computer that year then 2019 came that year the world is way worse super worse than 2015 i knew somethings needs to change toxic people are evolving games are evolving my Punk Emo Rock Music is dying I can’t talk to people because of there sensitivity which is i said to myself “oh men i’m in trouble” then songs become worse and worse until 2020 came covid came and another worse then kids are toxic that year like they’re smarter than before and they use it for toxicity and games become popular like minecraft then the sophisticated world came in 2021 where conversations are more sophisticated because of addiction to social media addiction to trends like when i go outside people are wearing trash clothes very unproffesional clothes unlike back then were people are very proffesional when it comes to clothes and porn is booming in social media and being few people in the mall is like it’s peaceful enter 2022 end of pandemic music is nothing popular movies sucks there wars in the world nothing new because the world become worse since 2015 then 2023 people forget everything what happened back then and the people become stupid how can i explain car accidents happen often people are sophisticated to talk to which is a weak conversation to me and 2024 here we are confused what is going on to the world because ever since 2012 evolution and 2015 change it become worse now we are in the boring world which is kind of peaceful and am i relieve not 100% because i lost my glory days of 2008-2011 where music is better cars are unique beautiful weather everything is unique back then there’s no discrimination just buddy buddy but now people seem to be quiet and hard to talk to because of sophistication now i think i can’t admit to myself im in peace i just hard to talk to anyone this days that’s why it’s not 100% but hey enjoy this moment of being in peace be grateful what you have and don’t be very ambitious of you don’t have

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