Started to make new acquaintances lately.
One day met one girl and we went out several times. She is gay. We had a good time and I really enjoyed our time and it seemed vice versa.
After that it took a long time to answer to my invitations (like, days or even weeks). She has a blog though and write here almost every second day.
Every time we met after that she intensely apologized and it sounded very sincere.
After a while she disappeared for a month and didn’t answer to messages. Blog was active all this time.
I rationally thought that there was something wrong and she want to break off contact. Well, didn’t suit each other after all, no big deal.
But now she wrote big ass apology and invited to visit her at this weekend.
I liked her as a friend and every time she disappeared I thought that “ok, well, this is goodbye” and every time it was sad enough.

So the question.
I want to say that this is not ok but in every scenario in my head it’s like I show my vulnerable side and it sounds like whining.
So how can I say that this is ~~a very gay thing to do~~ sorry, that it’s not the most appropriate behavior towards whom you want to have a contact with.

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