So first off we were at her birthday party with all of her friends (whom I didn’t know) and some of her family. The incident started when we were bowling and we were messing around, having fun, and she thought I called her a female dog. She slapped me and went back to bowling. I (very confused because I didn’t do anything) walked away to give myself a second due to her embarrassing me in front of many people that I didn’t know.

After sitting for a couple minutes I went back and tried to talk to her. She said it could wait and to not talk about it now. So she expects me to socialize and talk and act fine when I just got very embarrassed in front of virtually everyone. I effectively remove myself from the party because of said embarrassment (which I shouldn’t have done and I probably should’ve handled it better).

After the party we talked about it and I said I would be better for her. So I thought it was resolved, but she was dry for a couple days after and we talked about it last night and she said that she sees me differently because of her friends and family getting into her head. Her friends are saying that I “showed my true colors” and her dad is asking stuff like “have you broken up with him yet?”. Today I sent a “I love you” text and she replied “yep” which tore my heart out. I sent a couple paragraphs and she left them on read. I said I was gonna give her space. She left it on read. She’s going to a wedding for the weekend. I really hope she texts me after because all I want is my baby back. I feel like this situation was blown out of proportion and we might just have to find out how we are going to argue together. How do I move forward?

TLDR; Girlfriend and I got into fight at birthday party, I handled it wrong and now everyone in her life that she loves is against me, influencing her opinion of me

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