My girlfriend is VERY attracted to me. I simply look over at her and her face gets all red and she blushes and tries to hide her face etc. (it’s been almost 2 years and she is still doing this)

But we started dating while she was on birthcontrol but I’m worried because of stories I’ve heard, is she going to lose attraction for me if she stops it mid relationship?

My ex broke up with me when she stopped her BC, but that relationship was not healthy nor was her mental health at the time so I’m not sure if it has a strong correlation in that scenario.. but regardless I have very bad anxiety about this topic because of that.. my current girlfriend I believe is the one. We are moving in together in a year etc. We are exactly the same personality wise and are very sexually compatible.

Anything helps! Good or bad! All input is appreciated

EDIT: While I know others commented already, still feel free to as I want to keep hearing your views!. I still appreciate your experiences and stories on the matter!

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