Together for 3 years.

We seem to have this recurring argument about him being jealous of my oldest son’s father. Today, I received a call from my son’s school about some trouble he got in with his classmate. I called his dad to inform him, which is something we always do in situations concerning our child. I always communicate matters with my son to his father and vice versa. We strictly discuss our son and nothing else whatsoever. There’s never any inappropriate interaction between my son’s dad and I. EVER. When the phone call was over, we continued the conversation through text. This must’ve rubbed my boyfriend the wrong way because his body language appeared tense all of a sudden. I asked him what was wrong and he responded that he didn’t like the fact that some of my passwords are my son’s name because he has the same name as his dad. I told him my passwords are just that, my CHILD’s name, not his dad’s. He seemingly got over it and we moved on.

Fast forward an hour later, he comes in the room and tells me he will text me later while he’s at band practice and that he wants me to respond back as fast as I responded to my son’s father earlier today. (He never texts me while he’s at band practice, he always calls after or I’ll just see him when he gets home) so I told him I’m not responding at all since he’s comparing himself to my oldest son’s dad again and only texting me just to see if I’ll respond in a certain time. This gets him even more upset and he begins raising his voice. I go to try and leave the room to avoid arguing and he blocks me from leaving and telling me I’m not leaving so I start yelling for him to move out of my way. My boyfriend is a huge guy (6’1 260 lbs) compared to my petite self (5’0 164 lbs). By this point, my 1 year old is crying and I’m trying to get to him. My boyfriend keeps pushing my hand every time I grab the doorknob and using his weight to keep the door from opening so I hit him in his shoulder (not hard at all, he probably barely felt it) and he hit me back wayyy harder and in my stomach! I’m currently 6 months pregnant. So I turned the other way and start to cry. Instead of apologizing, he starts to blame me saying it was a reflex because I hit him first and he didn’t mean to hit my stomach. He also said that he didn’t even hit me that hard which was false. He tries to grab me and I lash out in anger, hitting, yelling and kicking. When he finally let me leave the room, he follows me to the other room demanding we talk RIGHT NOW. I told him no and he proceeds to pull and yank me off of the bed to get me to go with him until I yelled at him to leave me alone. Our 1 year old is next to me while he’s doing this so he screams and cries for me to pick him up. I told my boyfriend he’s scaring the baby and he just keeps trying to take him from me so he can put him down and pull me out of the room. He eventually gave up and said I’m using our son as an excuse to avoid talking.

I’m just at a loss of words right now.

***just to clarify, we weren’t in front of my son when I hit and kicked him, I hit and kicked him to get into the room where my son was crying***

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