TL;DR: My boyfriend hid me from his female friend, citing that she wasn’t a close friend so he doesn’t want her to know his personal life. Curious how I should interpret this?

My boyfriend and I have been happily dating for over 2 years, and I trust him completely. Recently, I found out that he told one of his female friends that he went on a spring break vacation this year with his friends. This was not accurate, as only the 2 of us went on this vacation. We live in cramped college dorms, and a mutual friend of ours overheard this conversation in a common area, and thought I should know about it. At first, this was pretty disappointing to hear and and quite frankly embarrassing to have found out through a mutual friend, but I felt like he probably had a good reason for not mentioning me and I decided to ask him for clarity.

When I brought this up to him, he immediately apologized at first and admitted that he should not have said that. However, what concerns me is that he noted that the person he was talking to was not a close friend of his, so he didn’t want her to know about his personal life. I chalked this up to him being on the more introverted side, but I am wondering how I should feel about this?

I haven’t seen this before, since he usually mentions me to his friends and even people he just met, so I was confused why he felt hesitant to mention me to this friend of his.

It doesn’t bother me greatly, but it still occupies my headspace every now and then. Its also worth mentioning that this is basically his first relationship, so this could just be naiveté, but just curious how others interpret this behavior?

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