After some advice guys. Last year I got made redundant from a job I was in 12+ years. While there we all kinda became friends, even the boss I’d regularly just have a chat about general life crap while having a smoke outside. I left with a glowing reference.

Since then it’s been a nightmare. I’m on job 4. I can’t fit in anywhere, I’ve gone from being a happy go lucky guy to a nervous mess. You make small talk just general crap it goes no where, no one is interested but what’s worse I’m so nervous now I make silly mistakes constantly. I left a job and a friend of mine took it, they got talking about me they guy said “Yeah we know him, he was useless”. My friend argued I was actually the most experienced in my previous job which I was, they thought he was bull shitting.

As I said now job 4, it’s not much better, I’m left doing menial crap just to keep me out of the way, my co workers don’t want to work with me.

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