I recently went on vacation with my SO, meeting his family for the first time. After a few drinks out, we went back to his brothers house. There was conversation on the way back to the house about whether we would go back out later that night. Some time passed and it was getting late; he suddenly said “ok, let’s go!” half seriously. I asked where he wanted to go and he talked about a strip club that he likes to go to. From the conversation I could tell that he had been talking to his brother about the strip club earlier when I wasn’t present.
Although it hurt my feelings, I appeared to be unaffected and didn’t react. I put a lot of energy into examining my emotions because I’m not always sure what I’m feeling is a normal reaction or that I’m being overly sensitive due to infidelity in previous relationships.
I want to put this behind me but I can’t help but feel like I’m not enough somehow. I’m not objectively as attractive as I’m guessing the women who work at this club are. Would someone who feels fulfilled by his partner want to go to a strip club? If I was a “10” would that make a difference?
Crossposting to askreddit for additional responses.

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