TLDR: online friend sucks and I am no idea how to keep being their friend anymore

I have an online friend that I’ve known for over a year now. I appreciate their friendship, but as of late it’s been feeling like this is becoming a one-sided friendship where I’m the only one who care to initiate and ask them how they are and want to know more about what’s happening with their life.

I checked in on them to see if this was a communication difference and they seemed to prefer talking over texting so we set up a consistent time every month to meet up and chat. But then they would forget them often, telling me that they had memory issues.

This was starting to really hurt me so I talked to them about it and they said I’m really important to them. After this conversation they did seem to put in some effort in talking and meeting. And then they flaked again a while back, but for some reason sent me a text wishing me a happy st.patrick’s day during the time we were supposed to be meeting up. I was so confused and angry, but I just thanked them for the message.

I really don’t want to have the conversation of how much they’re hurting me again. I shouldn’t have to have it again.

Since then, I haven’t really tried to talk to them. And neither did they. And it’s been almost a month since. The thing is they seem to have no problem keeping up and communicating with a group of other friends they have. That’s the part that hurts the most.

I want to be their friend, but I really don’t know what else to do in this situation.

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