So this is a year old but i need help i guess. I just started going out with someone new. i’m a 24 yo M and most women Ive been with have been shaven. Not cause i asked, just cause they liked to. I’ve always shaved my dick but never my legs and ass. I slowly started with trimming my armpits cause i was told it looked gross. Then, maybe 3 years ago, i got a tattoo and hair looked gross so i started trimming up my legs which lead to me shaving my thighs and ass cause if i was shaving all that other stuff, it would bother me if i didnt shave it all. So on to the question, the girl i’m going out with isnt full bush down there but has ocd and is afraid of cutting herself shaving, front and back. The front is whatever, the back bothers me. I hate the feeling of hair personally so we only just have regular sex. My issue is that it can smell sometimes and just looks gross. We’ve only had sex 2x and i like looking at my partner but i cannot stand the look, feel or texture of hair. I have sensory issues that i cannot control. How can i get used ti this? I dont want to break up over something so stupid especially since we talked for a month and have been officially together for almost a month. I acknowledge that this is more of a me issue but again, i cannot control this. I am a clean person in terms of body hair and clothes compared to a majority of the guys i know. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Edit for clarity: Cheeks are shaved, this is almost somewhat getting bushy in between. Again, i did say that i wouldnt go down cause i cant stand hair in general and i can get over the front. I have ADHD and some OCD like symptoms myself
Her fear is cutting something and getting infected which is understandable but it can be trimmed better is what i need help with. Again, fresh relationship too

TL;DR Getting used to new partner’s body after not dating anyone with (specifically ass) hair as a guy who keeps himself as completely clean as he can.

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