How much for a good dinner night how and how often do you have ‘date nightS out’?

  1. We do more breakfast dates than date nights because his work schedule and my class schedule and kids and it’s just easier way for us to make sure we are getting that time for us. But we typically have a day date out every 2-3 weeks. We do breakfast, then books store (75% of the time), and whatever else we feel like. When we do a typical date night it’s anywhere between 50-125 depending where we go and how much we drink. This one is much more rare. maybe once every 4-5 months.

  2. We go out once a week, and dinner and drinks usually cost $40-$50. Although usually once a month, we eat at home and do a drinks only date so it’s less (or it means we go to a fancier place).

  3. We have been going out twice a week lately. Once for his bowling league and that ends up being fairly cheap. Just bar food and beers. The other just depends on the week. We usually try to stick to 150ish or less except for the nights we decide to go all out and do something extra special.

  4. This is going to be very Country dependent. We go out or do take out once a week. Take out is usually $50-60 , we’re empty nesters so only feeding two. Dinner out if we do drinks is closer to $100-$120 . We’re in Eastern Canada.

  5. We probably do some kind of date activity in the $50 range about once per week. We see quite a few movies and like popcorn and snacks there so that adds up quickly. But was also get tons of movie gift cards for holidays and have a points system so we probably outright pay for these kinds of dates ourselves for probably half of them. We’ve seen 4 movies this year and haven’t paid for any yet. Our other date nights tend to be eating out or ordering in. We spend less ordering in since when we go out we usually get a cocktail too.

    Probably once a month or every other month we go out for a nicer dinner and might spend $150 for dinner and drinks.

    This year for Christmas we both contributed to a date box to use some of our gift money toward things we could do together all year so we bought some restaurant gift cards and concert tickets and some at-home things like games for when we don’t have as much extra money for going out.

  6. 2x a month $150ish. We go out to dinner and then somewhere for drinks. Some nights we bar hop. I was trying to keep it closer to $100 but Inflation has been rough.

  7. I’m in Australia and been married 10 years with kids. Date night we try for once a week, even if it’s a movie date at home. Usually I would spend $30-$40 and make a nice meal at home, then once a month go out and have a bigger splurge. Depends what we feel like sometimes a cheap pub meal and some dancing costs us $80 and makes us feel like we are back in uni sometimes it’s a nice restaurant and cocktails that’s $200

  8. Usually $100 for a regular chain establishment, and close to $200 for nicer local places. A couple times a month.

  9. We go zero to maybe two times in a week, and one or both might be lunch or late lunch, not dinner. Or even a big breakfast like 2-3 times in a year.

    Cost varies but probably 35 to as much as 90 depending on alcohol and location. Booze really runs up the tab in a hurry.

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