I (23F) don’t know what to do about this guy (23M)

So I met this guy in college 3 years ago because we had the same friend group but we weren’t really close ,I moved to another city and we eventually started texting more and became really good friends, he started dropping hints and telling me he really wanted to see me again.

One of our mutual friends confessed his feelings for me and when I told him about it he said he couldn’t blame him.

I went back to my old city and met up with him we had a really good time but still no move so about a week later I decided to ask him straight up if he liked me and he said he didn’t and asked me what gave me the impression that he did, he also said that I shouldn’t interpret us meeting up as a date because it wasn’t and that he wasn’t into long distance relationships.

I was very hurt and confused but we stayed friends cause I thought I may have misunderstood the signals. Recently we had a conversation about relationships and stuff he told me about a girl from his class he’s flirting with then he said he couldn’t go out with her because he already found “the one” but the timing wasn’t right and he couldn’t be with her, me being my delusional self thought it might be me ?

TDLR : So my question is what should I do ? Should I keep being friends and see where it goes or should I cut him off and move on but I’m afraid of regretting it and I also know that not speaking to him hurts me a lot because he’s a good friend and I’m very attached to him

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