I just started a new job and at first it seemed like everyones really nice and we are getting along very well. However, now after a couple of weeks im surprised to notice how no ones really interested in getting to know each others (or maybe just me since im the newest member). Theres only around 5 ppl in my team and we work together in the office every day. People do chat but its mostly about work etc but the vibe is just weird or not what im used to.

In my previous jobs im used to coming to work and asking people how they are doing, what they did last night/how the weekend was etc so i do this at the new place too – it just seems like no ones asking that back or keeping the convo going?

1. I said “I went rock climbing yesterday”.
My other colleague just said “oh” and walked away. The other colleague didnt really reply so i asked them if theyre ever been rock climbing, and the answer was “no i havent”.

2. Im asking manager about what he is doing this weekend. He replies that hes son has a soccer game and theres also soccer on the tv. I ask a couple of things about his son, whos playing etc. After replying my q’s the convos dead as idk what to say anymore and he asks me nothing.

How on earth can i crack the code or do i just have to accept that they either dont want to get to know me or they just want to talk about work and thats it?

Maybe this is how some/most work places are and ive been lucky in my previous places because ive always made good friends at work and hang out with them on my free time aswell. Please help:(

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