I’m trying to get with an older woman. I’ve known her for a while and we used to work together. She’s 10 years older than me. After a couple years of knowing her I’ve worked up the courage to confront her. Every time I see her she looks at me with fuck me eyes and at first I thought I was probably just being horny(early 20s male). I started to talk to her over text. She ended up sending me pics of her boobs. We’ve talked about hanging out together and getting drinks. I told her drunk one night that ”I would love to get drinks but I’m trying to get in your pants” she said “honey I’m 10 years older than you. I knew you liked older chicks”. I let her know that I do like older chicks and I’ve been with a woman 10 years older than her.(she’s 34 I’m 24) I said I’ve been wanting you for a while and I thought you thought the same. How do I get with this older woman?

  1. She said you both can go out sometime. Please don’t be ahead of yourself.

    Take her out and see how things go from there!!!!

  2. If she’s sending you nudes but not giving you a clear opening or responding to your invites to spend time together then she’s just into the attention but doesn’t want to sleep with you.

    I’d suggest one last try; “I want to take you out for drinks a next Saturday night.” If she dodges the invite you have your answer. If she says she’s busy and doesn’t offer an alternative date then you have your answer.

    Can’t really complain I suppose as she is sending you things for the spank bank but you’ll probably have to look elsewhere if you want to hook up.

    Women who really really want to sleep with you don’t make it this obtuse.

  3. Try for a bit more of a mature approach to sex with her. Show her that you know what you are doing. Make her comfortable and eager to have you.

  4. Don’t ever get into sales. The ability to close a deal that falls perfectly into your lap is a must.

  5. You talk about her like she’s some lonely old bitty lol
    She’s a young woman who probably doesn’t need your attention. She’s not “older”, you’re just super young

  6. Don’t try to get with her JUST because she is older than you. She may sense you are fetishizing the age thing and that it doesn’t really have anything have to do with her as her own woman.

    Let her know why you want to be with her in particular. Yes, being 34 is part of who she is but let her know what makes her desirable to you besides that.

    I am caucasian, and the first black woman I was with said yes because she could tell I was into her for more reasons that she was black. She knew I loved her positive attitude, her awesome smile, the way her eyes lit up when she talked about something she was passionate about. We talked later and she said she could tell when guys wanted to be with her JUST because she was black and she felt used.


    She sent you her boobs. People don’t just do that.




  8. You’re in
    Go on the fucking date. Pun intended.
    Pro tip: (thank me later) Chill with the “I like older women talk.” It’s been established. No need to mention it again or mention older women you have been with. Go with the flow.
    2nd Pro tip: Don’t get too drunk.

  9. I’d just cut to the chase and tell her how much you want to eat her pussy. Probably be more than she can resist 

  10. You’re 95% there already man. Just get over to her place and don’t do anything massively stupid.

  11. Ask her out for a coffee. It’s that simple. You already know she wants to bone you. (Don’t forget the 4 Cs: consent, communication, condoms, cunnilingus)

  12. Invite her for drinks and then ask if she wants to go back to your place. If you slow play this any longer she will be sending boob pics to someone else. She is probably worried you won’t be able to keep it casual and this isn’t a good start.

  13. You have no business posting on a sex sub. You call a 34 year old woman an ‘older woman’ like she’s geriatric. Dude, a 34 year old is RIPE for the picking. I wish I knew where you lived because I’d go and handle her for you.

  14. My wife is older than me. Dude, let her know what your feeling. Be very honest with her. And like you, I never could date a lady young. Older women always was more mature and attractive to me plus a major turn on.

  15. I came here thinking I’d have something to contribute as a 47-year old woman, but oh no we’re not really talking about older women are we. 😅 At 34 all I would have cared about is how confident and determined you are, and how much you’re into me. Just ask her out like you would any woman you fancy – NOT an ‘older’ woman you need to impress somehow differently.

  16. Lmao I thought this was going to be someone 45 and older. 34 is young (I’m 25)

  17. She’s not that old, I was thinking that she was in her mid to late 40s considering that you’re in your early mid 20s

  18. You’ve done most of the work. Just tell her, “Let’s make this happen.” Invite her her to your place, make some diner, dance a little, and then fick her brains out.i don’t know how you dint see your good to go, my dude.

  19. Piece of advice, maybe don’t refer to a 34 year old woman as an “older woman” — even if it is technically true, it will never, ever be received well.

  20. I’ve been with a girl 10 years older than me and it was good until I found out she was still married told me she was waiting for her divorce to finalize but she never even filed. Led me believe a lot of things got in my head. All I’m says is they have a past but make sure it’s in the past.

  21. Why don’t you just ask if you can come over?

    My husband and I started out as colleagues. He sent me dirty texts one night, and I asked if I could come over – and that’s it. Don’t make it so complicated 🙂 Just do it.

    And stop telling her you are into “older women” 😅

  22. Maybe start with not calling her old. 34 is so young. Lol. I came here thinking you were trying to get with someone in their 60s or 70s. I’m 40 and not many 20 yo males could keep up with me. Just be confident and make the entire experience based on her enjoyment! Good luck.

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