I don’t think the people who do this do it to be intentionally rude. Also to be clear: I am not talking about situations where friends need a listening ear to vent to.

But it seems to happen to me all the freaking time. I’ll be talking to someone, and they’ll just be talking AT me, like they’re giving a speech. When there’s a pause and I try to speak, I get a few words in before I’m interrupted and they just keep going. And going. If i am talking about something that’s my perspective? Again, interruption and they start talking about themselves again. I’ve noticed this happens sometimes in group hangouts, too. I’ll say something and immediately everyone starts talking over me like I don’t exist.

Again, I don’t think people who do this mean any harm. And I get that me being quieter maybe makes people subconsciously think they can do that? However, my feelings matter, too. This really gets to me, especially if close friends do it. It makes me feel taken for granted, and like they don’t care about what I have to say.

I’ve thought about countering this with being louder and giving myself permission to interrupt too, but that just feels so gross and frankly, not me at all. I am a good listener and it’s one of my favorite things about myself. I don’t want social interactions to be some BS dominance competition. I just want it to be a give and take connection with another human being.

I’ve thought about saying, “hold on, please let me finish” but that just feels too…confrontational? Or maybe not?

Idk, any tips? Any changes in demeanor you’d recommend? Thank you in advance!

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