What’s your greatest philosophy in life?

  1. Controversial, but: I try to live like a dictator.

    – always dress well
    – be polite, but carry “weapons”, just in case
    – don’t worry about pleasing everyone
    – defend my principles and the wellbeing of my allies at all costs
    – love my nation and strive to improve my community, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it increases my popularity

  2. Be who you needed when you were younger.

    As a queer person, just living a happy life while openly queer is accomplishing that.

  3. While I definitely don’t practice this in everyday life (because it’s EXTREMELY difficult) I try to “be kind anyways” as Mother Teresa said. To my parents, to strangers, to my coworkers, etc… I’m a very reactive person but I’m trying everyday not to take things personally and brush things off more… because what do I gain by getting angry and yelling if someone is rude to me, or says something annoying, or yells at me, so on and so forth. Still trying to find the balance between not letting people walk over me and letting things go for my peace of mind

  4. “People who see life as anything more than pure entertainment are missing the point.”

    Ol’ George hit the nail right on the head!

  5. If you can do anything about it. Why worry about it? If you can’t. Why worry about it?

  6. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times but only if one remembers to turn on the light.

  7. It is my sincerest belief … that the healthiest piece of fruit is the fruit you’ll eat. There are, of course, the naysayers that will whine that “Ooh, but bananas are full of carbs and sugar and calories and John Travolta disease”, but the truth is that the average banana is no more caloric nor fattening than the ever-popular apple, and has the same recommended daily intake. In today’s toxic diet culture, people forget that a calorie is not a calorie, just as not all carbs and fats are equal.
    My favorite fruit is the orange 🍊 🙃

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