What is wrong with me

Im a biker, real big time athletic 22M. Been told im pretty handsome and all.

But im still super awkward, i wanted to work of that to finally get a gf who is as sporty as I am.

The other day i was in a local bike shop when the cashier offered me yes. She was damn cute and started really talking well. I talked about my biking trips and competitions. She told me about hers.

Feeling smoothe i asked if i could write a review about the awesome service i got to her boss while pointing to the business cards. (Yes hihi she said)
I asked if she was the owner while pointing at the number (no hihi she said)
As a massive chad i went for it, told her her service was so lovely it should be and asked for her number!
(Hihi ok!)
At this point im like: gosh i didnt even ask your name! She wrote it down and playfully sais wow what a douche!
We laughed before i told her i would write if i needed more help with my bike

Fast forward the next morning and ask her a dumb question while being like Hi how are you?

No answer… eum ok?
Maybe she didnt look at her phone (on her shift)
Nighttime and i wrote: is this (her name)?

Still no answer?

Wtf went wrong, why was it going perfect but i just cant have anything good happen after?!?
I just wanted to have a friend to bike with and and and get treated like dirt?
What can i do to improve next time?

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