I have a guy best friend who’s been on like 20-25 dates since Jan and he’s still yet to find himself a girlfriend or any serious prospect. I really find it hard to believe, coz he’s pretty decent looking, and both me and another girl agree that he’d make a good boyfriend.

We have inquired about how he dresses up on first dates, what he talks about with them, how he behaves so that we can help him better his chances of getting a girl. But yeah he did everything quite well, by our standards at least, so it’s baffling he’s still single.

I thought that he might be waiting for my girl friend so I’ve asked him about it and if he needs me to be a wingwoman but he’s not interested in her.

So anyways I wonder if it’s really like this with the other men?

  1. Not difficult at all if you’re attractive. I basically have my pick of the litter.

  2. After six months on eight different sites, I canceled everything— not one date, and only bots and scammers DM’d me.

  3. It’s not that difficult to get attention if you have the looks. But finding someone you can consider relationship material can be ruled out pretty much if you use dating platforms. I ended up finding all my partners accidentally on hobby forums instead.

  4. I look like a twinkie (the food not the cute young gay man) featureless and yellow with a receding hair line. I never had too much trouble on the apps.

  5. It’s trash by me. I don’t get attention from the types I like here. Which is funny because where I used to live I had no problem with matching with dimes. 

    Guess that comes with living in Appalachia though. I live sorta near Scranton, so that office quote about the Scranton 7 really hits lol.

  6. Did it for about nine years on and off. Never got more than 8 or 9 dates in a year, but no, nothing ever even approached girlfriend territory

  7. Most women on the apps are there because for one reason or another they’re undatable. I’ve found that the women on the apps are generally bottom of the barrel as far as dating prospects go 

  8. I know I’ll get downvoted for this but: It’s more difficult than women realize because a lot of women perceive they have unlimited options because they get a lot of likes so it’s easier for them to just disqualify a man for trivial reason.

    When I was online dating, I guess I was lucky cause I went on several dates and within a couple of months found a relationship. After that ended a year later, I tried again and was also lucky to go on dates and found someone but that ended several months later.

    3rd time wasn’t a charm cause I noticed a lot of the women on there were the same and even outside of that the dates I went on, I noticed the women were a lot flakier and seem more restless and couldn’t wait to go back on the apps even if we were getting along: wondering what else is out there.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are horrible men on there too I heard but from a male perspective (which is what we are speaking from) it’s definitely not easy even though I consider myself one of the lucky ones.

  9. Every girl I ever dated through dating apps went down in flames. Every girl I dated from approaching irl went well.

    The problem is that dating apps just gets you matched with people *purely* attracted to physical. You have no clue if you two will actually click once you meet. And very often, you don’t. This is why dating outside of apps is most effective. Because you instantly know if you’ll click by simply walking up and speaking to them.

  10. Are they all rejecting him …. or is he rejecting some/all of them himself

  11. I’m 29 years old and never had a girlfriend, I’ve tried tinder, done the boosts, and frankly it’s relatively impossible in my honest oppion.

    But in the defense against me I’m a overweight nerdy asshole who doesn’t have good pics cause I lack a social media presence. I don’t know

  12. Next to impossible. Especially if you’re not a man that’s within a certain looks threshold. But that goes for real life too.

  13. I had a lot of dates but only one of them actually turned into a relationship. She and I are married now.

    My brother just found his second girlfriend, both from dating apps.

  14. I have gotten laid a lot on them, never found any sort of meaningful relationship though

  15. Ask yourself this since you see him as a decent looking good guy (since he is your friend), Why arent you or any of your female friends dating/fucking him if he is a good match????

    The guy might check all the boxes but women´s mind and desire work on misterious ways.

  16. Your friend at least got girls to go on a date. Most men (I mean MOST MEN) cant even get a single date. Rest you can imagine. (there’s not much to imagine lol)

  17. Its literally not the same game. I know overweight, boring, honestly rude women with nothing going for them in life who always seem to have a date. I know men who are successful in their career, in great shape, conventionally attractive, have hobbies/interests and are genuinely nice people who struggle. Women seem to assume that all these characteristics guarantee you success in dating. Which is understandable because all of these traits in women really DO almost guarantee success. The bar is so much higher for men. Women just have to show up and be half presentable and they’ll do just fine.

  18. Bro’s been on 20 – 25 dates in a few months of online dating? Yeah, he’ll be fine, lol.

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