Me and my boyfriend have been dating for 6 years. He had a group of friends during our early years but they went down a separate path (drxgdealxrs) in life and I’m not sure exactly what happened but they don’t hang out anymore. I have to add, these certain friends were around when he cheated on me. When I found out, he did a whole 360 and he has been completely loyal since just a small FYI. Either way, a few years after that him and his friends slowly drifted apart. Not sure if it was because he was spending the majority of his time with me but then a few months ago we moved in together further away from where his friends live. 30 mins drive.

Long story short, they don’t speak nor do they make plans with each other anymore. To be honest, it was only one friend who was important to him. So this story mostly applies to him. My bf sometimes “jokes” that he doesn’t have friends and he’s depressed and this kills me. He says I take things too serious but I know he’s hurt and I don’t know what to do. I want him to have friends and meet people but how can I force this? I just want him to be happy. I encourage him to come with me to my friends and their bfs but he doesn’t have much in common with them. I just don’t want to feel guilty and I want him to be happy and open to talk to me about this. Everyone needs someone and maybe I’m not enough solely to be his friend.

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