I(26F) have been with my boyfriend(29M) for 5 years. I have never loved and been loyal to somebody for so long. He is a wonderful person.. but suddenly everything just feels flat. For the past 4 months or so (with his permission) I have been talking to and meeting women online and accidentally caught feelings… The past 2 or so years at least, I’ve felt like we don’t have enough sex and I’ve ALWAYS had to remind him to be sensitive towards my feelings, which is why I started looking for other options. While he’s grown a lot, I just feel like maybe I’ve outgrown him and now everything feels stale and boring. He wants to work it out but feels blindsided by this even though Ive tried to tell him before how I feel. The idea of never seeing him again takes the air out of me but it’s not fair to string him along. I told him I need a day or 2 to think before I give him a final answer on if i want to continue or not. I just need some advice from strangers because I can’t afford advice from a professional at this time. Thank you for any feedback!

  1. This open relationship trend is just a cope. It’s an excuse to cheat without getting caught, imo

    It’s the perfect relationship until you looked elsewhere and what do you get for it? Meh, not a fan

  2. It’s from all that hot girl summer stuff you did prior to him. You will always need and crave new attention and will always get bored and stray in relationships trying to get that fix again.

  3. Go ahead and leave him and you will miss him so much you will regret leaving a great thing. You have never been in a long term commit relationship, what you see as boring other people would sell a kidney to get it.

  4. You haven’t “outgrown” anything, you’re just bored and want to feel the spark again. He deserves better, let him go and he can find someone who deserves his loyalty while you return to the app dating game.

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