I’m out of state and now I’m living with my mom. I was at a hotel for the past 5 days. After I left I was so much of a wreck that I wasn’t comfortable doing the 10 hour drive. I’m so very thankful for this community. I’ve had complete strangers care more about me more than my husband. My anxiety has been so bad that going places with people like the grocery store that I try to get out as fast as I can. His family was pissed. When I knew he was no longer there I went back to get clothes. Well he trashed everything, took my clothes, who knows what else that I didn’t notice. One thing was I wish I grabbed my computer because I use it for school. God knows what he did with it but I don’t care, it was $300. All I cared about was my firearm and my dog. It’s sad because my husband must have been mean to my dog because this entire week my dog has been so happy that he’s acting like he’s a puppy. All he’s been wanting is to cuddle almost the entire time. For the first time in 2.5 years I was able to take my dog on a good walk. My husband didn’t want me out anymore than like 15 minutes.

Question: For those who left and entered therapy, is there a specific type of therapy that worked best? After being away from him this week, I had no idea the damage he has caused after being with him for ten years.

Any other advice would be great. I have no idea what I’m doing, I feel helpless because it feels like these feelings will never go away. Everything has been scaring me too, I never thought I would be like this. But please if there’s anything that helped you transition to your new life.

SERIOUSLY THANK YOU TO EVERYONE. I never thought I would have the courage to actually leave. I feel so weird. Anyway YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!!!!!!

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