I need help on this problem. I would really apreciate if women who have had similar situations before or maybe have an idea what is going on could share their thoughts.

We went on a school trip and there is this really pretty girl. I started making jokes during a ping-pong game on how funny it was that we both always seemed to be loosing. After some time she started sitting next to me off games instead of normally standing next to the table and was making the same kind of jokes. The whole group went inside when it got dark to just sit there and chat. I caught her looking at me a lot and even holding eye contact sometimes. She also seemed to be laughing at everything I was saying.

The other day during a hike she never tried starting a conversation with me though but then during the lunch break we again had a really good chat and she again was looking at me quite a lot. But I don’t think that she was trying to get physically closer to me during the hike.

I got her snap on the last day and we sent a few snaps back and forth untill she left me on opened. I texted her a few hours later if she was going to our schoolball and she gave a very detailed explenation of how she didn’t know as she didn’t know if her friends were going or not so I offered that if she didn’t wanna go alone she could come with some of my friends of mine and me on what she replied with how nice that is but she hopes that she could persuade her friends to go.

I thought that she was maybe just shy to make a step so i went to get her snap and texted her first especially with the ball. I’m now very unsure if I just understood it all wrong or if my offer was too direct.

I’m a bit clueless now if I’m just very bad at catching hints and she isn’t interested in me at all or if she is just very shy and not a person that sends snaps back and forth.

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