Not acquaintances, not buddies you kick it with from time to time, but “real friends.”

I’m a pretty introverted dude and I don’t go out much but I got like 3-4 real friends who’ll have my back whenever. Grateful for that at least.

What about y’all?

  1. 5 or 6.

    Don’t hang out in person as much anymore because we all have families though.

  2. Eight. We all see each other every week and there is always pretty much one of us hanging with another at any time.

  3. Zero. I’m a quiet person and can barely find anybody who I enjoy conversing with due to differing hobbies. I had a friend who would always make mean comments about random people and I found that pretty childish so I stopped hanging out with them. I’m also an aspie so most people laugh at me due to my awkwardness and that doesn’t help.

  4. 4 that I’ve been with since I was in middle school so over 20 years now. We all live on the same property so I see and hang out with them daily.

  5. Zero. I don’t hang out with guys my age because I constantly feel out of the loop. I have more female friends than actual male friends

  6. Two.

    Had a large friend group during highschool / college, but we had different personalities and grew apart.

    Since then I’ve developed two great friendships with dudes I can be my total self with and share and say anything.

    Quality over quantity is what I’ve learned and come to appreciate and be grateful for.

  7. 7, mainly from my military years so we’re spaced all over the US, but we actively check up on eachother every so often and make plans to see eachother whenever we’re in the area of another.

  8. None. There might be around five or six people who still think we’re close friends (we’ve been mutual friends for more than ten years) but – can’t blame them for that – they are evolving in a different direction. Especially since four of them started an exclusive and time consuming hobby where I couldn’t participate, they kind of started making their own thing. Also, I’ve been betrayed so many times by other people and when a close “friend” (not part of this group) abandoned me for no reason a few months ago, I started to feel like there are no friends in this world anyway – only potential traitors.

  9. None. I got a lot of people that reach out to me time and time again, but if I don’t say hi, that is the end of our friendship. Kinda sad really

  10. Three. My high school squad and I, save for one who moved out of state, stuck together afterwards and still communicate regularly. We don’t meet in person as often anymkre, but we stay connected.

  11. 3-4 is a good number.

    More wouldn’t make sense. Real friendships take time and effort to preserve and develop. And preserving and developing never stops.

  12. 0 since i had to move a lot and never really had a chance to form a long term relationship with someone

  13. Like 4-5 people tops and I like it like that, I really don’t have time for more permanent committments, life’s fucking busy, lol.

  14. People that will help you out in a jam does not equal real friends to me. I know a lot of people that I could rely on but less people I would express myself to. That’s how I define it and it’s 5ish.

  15. 0. I’m not particularly proud of it, but I’ve been doing pretty well in life by being on good terms with classmates/coworkers and having not-too-close friends to hang out with if invited.

  16. none, people only come around when they need me to fix something.

  17. None.

    Started losing my childhood friends around a decade ago. Got into a bad relationship that cemented the loss of them.

    Now, in my 30s, I’m finding I don’t have the necessary skills to make new friends from scratch. And I have nothing in common with the people I used to know, so backtracking isn’t an option either.

    Nobody has my back. Nobody has in a long time.

  18. 1.

    I’m also majorly introverted, had a much larger social circle in grade school/high school, but once we graduated high school and went our separate ways, we fell out of touch. Though this 1 I have is from first grade, we have been best friends for 20 years now. But the middle school/high school/college ones no longer exist in my world and I’m just not interested in reconnecting. I have seen them a few times after HS graduation, but eventually it only proved that we had really grown apart over those years, like I had nothing at all in common with them.

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