Hi people

I’m writting here because I’m getting exhausted by my social awkwardness and anxiety. I’ve always been weird, socially inept, introverted, awkward etc but sometimes it becomes heavy to bear it all.

I know I shouldn’t compare but when I see people my age (27) having the same friends since high school, plenty of close friends and plans for months in advanced while just gathering the courage to write a text to a friend feels like death to me, I can’t help but ask what’s wrong with me. I don’t know how to approach and initiate with people and sometimes I don’t even try for fear of “not measuring up” and being ridiculous. It could be my low self esteem clouding my judgement, idk.

I seem to have huge miscommunication problems with plenty of people around me. Sometimes I just wish I had a magic wand that would make all this awkwardness disappear.
On a more positive note : I’m seeing a therapist and made some progress so far.

I guess I just needed to rant tonight, thanks for reading.

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