Some info, I (25M) enjoy anal stimulation. This includes toys, fingers, etc. when I first asked my gf (28F) to peg me she asked if I was gay. This hurt me. And led to an argument, but that was nearly two years ago.

Since then my gf has grown to tolerate my kink, but I know she’s not really into participating in it. With that being said I should note that I don’t ask for anal play very often. It can go from 2 weeks to over a month before I ask for it again because for me to want it everything has to be perfect, my day, my mood, etc.

Last night we returned from a party where I was the designated driver, so my gf was really drunk when we got home. Now I hate having to babysit drunk people, and I’m waiting for my gf to go to bed so I can shower. I won’t take a shower while she’s drunk and awake because the last time I did it led to her falling down the stairs while I was showering.

She could tell that I’m getting antsy and wanted the night to end. She made the comment “I’ll go to bed so you can shower and have vibrator in your ass time.”

Now this was at 1 am, after a party, after I already did a 9 hour shift at work, I’m drained from the day, I just wanna shower and go to bed. I’m not in the mood to play with my butt.

I think it’s kind of disparaging that she makes a lot of similar comments, about me only caring about sex, and more specifically having my ass played with. It feels like whenever she’s frustrated with me in any way, she attacks my kink.

How do I approach her about this?

TLDR: my gf thinks I’m obsessed with anal play when it’s not true

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