Him (28M) & me (24F) have NOT had a healthy relationship but it has only gotten worse and worse. When my daughter was 3 months old, we made the decision to physically seperate, but stay together, so we could go to therapy and make sure our child wasn’t around arguing – fast forward my daughter is 15 months and my baby and I have been living at my moms AND him and I NEVER made it to therapy. . Grateful I have enough support to be with her here and have been able to not have to work and have time to figure things out. Regardless, he used to be 100% loyal to me. I found out last summer he rode in a car with a girl alone, (in LA when he went with his family, which he blindsided me on even going there to begin with), so we were fighting when he went, and sure enough he rode alone in a car with his sisters friend who tried to fuck him multiple times in the past… not only that in LA he gave a girl his number. He lied to me about it for 8-9 months and I forgave him. He told me last week his balls have been itchy, and that he was going to get an STD test and to “tell him before he gets the results” God is my witness – I never cheated – I have lied to him quite a bit in the course of our relationship but mostly about past stuff, (but not even HALf as much as he has lied to me!) he told me if I lied again, he would ghost me, today I woke up with the flu bug my daughter had and asked him to come and help. He said he would, then ghosted me and answered shit face drunk and come to find out his sister was having her bday party. My daughter wasn’t even invited there as she has been to everyone else’s birthday, and his mom told me he was too drunk to help with his child. He answers the phone, tells me he knows what I did?????, and said Jamie (another one of his sisters friends he has slept with before we got together) was the only one who could watch our daughter. He hung up on me. His mom condoned his behavior, and wouldn’t even let me drop my daughter off so I could throw up and be sick without worrying about her)… and sure enough, I go to his sisters friend from LA instagram, and sure enough she’s in town, and at the party. I have no idea what I did but if the test came back positive god knows it’s from HIM! I am left confused and hurt.

TLDR: I got ghosted randomly by my child’s father.

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