My wife is beautiful, has a good job, great set of friends, we’re in a nice place, is smart and likeable.

She dresses well, is always up for going with friends and when out with them she is usually out-going, I’ve always kind of thought of her as a real ambitious person and I look up to that but over the past month or so I’ve been noticing things that have actually been going on for awhile, I just didn’t really see them as possible signs of depression and I am still not sure

– quick temper, goes from 1-10 very quickly
– holds grudges for awhile even more very small mistakes that I make
– lack of fun around the house, like sense of humor, random dancing or random acts of affection, it’s always me initiating everything and even when she gets in from work she’s always tired, even if I meet her with smiles, hugs and care
– always talk about deep subjects, psychology, etc
– doesn’t exercise a lot – gym, etc
– always tired
– sleeps in late, late on weekends
– struggles to wake up in the am for work
– isn’t as creative / as much of a maker as she was despite her ability to sing, craft etc
– the big thing is is that she’s always so emotional, like the smallest things set her off one way or another
– Somewhat OCD type
– anxious, worrying type person
– doesn’t love her career
– doesn’t like going back to the office
– lack of sex drive, if we do it’s usually me doing 90% of the work

I worry about her.

I guess I just didn’t see it because I’m kind of the optimist, Type B type, laid back, while she’s very perfectionist, type A. Thought it would
Be a great match the 2 personality types..

  1. When was the last time she went on holidays or just had some time for herself?

  2. If these aren’t her normal behavior patterns, something is going on and she needs to talk to someone. Sudden changes in a person’s behaviour and those actions could be several different variations of mental illness or could be a sign of substance abuse.

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