I had a recent health scare and was very immobile/weak during this time. I’m only 24 and usually very fit, and super flexible, so not being able to walk or pick things up was really scary. I was super grateful for the fact that even if I couldn’t bend down to do my shoes properly, I could lift my leg up to me, or go cross legged etc.

It got me thinking about how a huge amount of people I know can barely sit cross legged without discomfort, and regularly other young people I know can’t even touch their toes.

What’s your plan for when you get old? You get to 80 and then…? I’ve seen 30 year old guys have to lie down on the bed to try and put their socks on because they can’t bend down enough. Surely it must be terrifying to have such a limited range of motion, and this is seemingly more common than not. Even the fittest guys I know have terrible mobility. Surely this is on your mind every time you move, are you just in constant physical pain?

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