It hypothetically works perfect In the scenario . However ,

1. It’s population has to be under 10 million

2. All citizens of that country are given a us passport and vice versa for America .

3 . If it has bad neighbors you can’t change that/have to deal w it .

4. If it had a break away scenario going on you get the break away state as well (for example like Ukraine)

5. You can’t alter its geography so consider being land locked cold etc if that’s a issue to you .

I’d personally pick Albania/Kosovo, because location, beach , geography lots of Roman ruins and super pro American seems easily militarily defendable etc. My second choice would probably be Austria . What about you?

Edit : “In * Europe not into” 🤦🏻‍♂️

  1. Slovakia

    I love central Eastern Europe, speak a little Czech and loved Czech but doesn’t fit number 1 so maybe I could learn some Slovak, and EU/Schengen visa is a major plus

  2. Andorra. Call it Tahoe East. Short drive to Toulouse and Barcelona, and I can brush up on both Spanish and Catalan to have great nights I don’t remember in Ibiza.

  3. If you consider Greenland European and enough of a country to count, then Greenland and if not Greenland then Iceland. Basically, they are just geographically beneficial to bring into the North American fold, no other reason.

  4. Lithuania. Absolutely wonderful people with a culture and work ethic that aligns well with the US.

  5. Finland. They’re just as crazy as we are, and largely will take care of themselves.

  6. Finland mainly to mess with a Finnish friend who always rips on the American government despite moving here of her own accord as an adult.

    Finland is also pretty self sufficient, so other than putting troops on the border we wouldn’t need to subsidize anything. We’d probably even get cheaper vodka out of it

  7. Georgia

    Objectively it’s a terrible choice that would start world war 3, but it has to be done.

  8. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    So now it would be The United States of America and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  9. I’d pick Croatia

    My grandfather was from there

    A long lightly populated coast line with nice beaches and towns

    Good food

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