So, I came across an AD for a drug that’s supposed to be able to allow people to skip their periods whenever they’d like. For example, if your wedding day is coming up, and your period is right around the corner, you can take this drug and it delays your period so you can enjoy your special day.

I thought this was so fascinating and cool, that I wanted to share this with my best friend. She immediately replies and claims that this drug will In fact ruin your reproductive system. She said it as if she’s personally taken this drug and it has ruined her. Which I know for a fact she hasn’t she doesn’t even “believe in birth control”. Which is fine that’s her choice. But I questioned this and replied “Oh, has this happened to people?”.

I did a little bit of research, and found no reports on this drug causing harm to your reproductive system, but found that it’s actually quite the opposite, and that it in fact is used to help menstrual issues! And I really wanted to drop this on her, but I pulled back and let her have it. Not trying to one up her, I just can’t have my girl out here spreading misinformation.

I do this sometimes, and I know that people don’t like a “know it all”. I’ve been practicing just going not even acknowledging some of the wild claims people make. But I just can’t allow for people to piss on me and tell me it’s rain. Now, I don’t correct people on small things like grammar, or if they’re off a little on stats, I know what they meant no used in correcting them on that stuff… But is this something I should work on?

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